Nesta secção poderá encontrar Notícias relacionadas com o Hidrogénio, bem como Eventos importantes para a comunidade.

22.04.2024 >> VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Geological Survey of Finland GTK and industrial partner organizations have launched a research project Hydrogen UnderGround (HUG), focused on underground storage of hydrogen. // 22.04.2024 >> The Netherlands is the second largest hydrogen producer in Europe. Almost all hydrogen now comes from fossil fuels. By 2030, the Netherlands wants to have 4GW of electrolysis capacity. 


Política da UE. ONG exigem critérios rigorosos para hidrogénio

A Comissão Europeia foi instada a proceder a consultas alargadas e a adotar uma abordagem metódica na definição de novos "combustíveis com baixo teor de carbono", receando-se que uma legislação elaborada à pressa possa promover a utilização insustentável de gás fóssil.



The hydrogen trail

In the current context of climate crisis, institutions are promoting the energy transition to reduce CO₂ emissions and, therefore, meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement. This transition is characterised by the decarbonisation of the economy, which involves the electrification of productive sectors through the implementation of non-conventional renewable energies, photovoltaic and wind, on a large scale.



Carta dirigida à Ex.ª Sr.ª Minsitra do Ambiente e Energia

Em nome da Direcção da AP2H2 venho apresentar os nossos cumprimentos pela sua nomeação para o cargo de Ministra do Ambiente e Energia. (...)



Hydrogen batteries vs. lithium-ion batteries

Researchers in Australia have compared the technical and financial performances of a hydrogen battery storage system and a lithium-ion battery when coupled with rooftop PV. They evaluated two commercially available systems – LAVO and Tesla Powerwall 2 – and found that the lithium-ion battery provides better financial profits, whereas the hydrogen battery offers more battery lifespan for long duration of energy storage.



A fleet of hydrogen powered buses is set to launch across parts of Sussex, Surrey and Kent following

A fleet of hydrogen powered buses is set to launch across parts of Sussex, Surrey and Kent following successful bid for £10 million of government funding. The Department for Transport has awarded the partnership over £10 million, which combined with £11.6 million from Metrobus (Go Ahead) and almost £3 million from the other partners brings the total for the project to over £24 million.