Nesta secção poderá encontrar Notícias relacionadas com o Hidrogénio, bem como Eventos importantes para a comunidade.
Hydrogen batteries vs. lithium-ion batteries
Researchers in Australia have compared the technical and financial performances of a hydrogen battery storage system and a lithium-ion battery when coupled with rooftop PV. They evaluated two commercially available systems – LAVO and Tesla Powerwall 2 – and found that the lithium-ion battery provides better financial profits, whereas the hydrogen battery offers more battery lifespan for long duration of energy storage.
A fleet of hydrogen powered buses is set to launch across parts of Sussex, Surrey and Kent following
A fleet of hydrogen powered buses is set to launch across parts of Sussex, Surrey and Kent following successful bid for £10 million of government funding. The Department for Transport has awarded the partnership over £10 million, which combined with £11.6 million from Metrobus (Go Ahead) and almost £3 million from the other partners brings the total for the project to over £24 million.
Estrutura de Missão para o Licenciamento de Projetos de Energias Renováveis 2030
A primeira revisão do Plano Nacional de Energia e Clima 2030 (PNEC 2030), aprovado em anexo à Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 53/2020, de 10 de julho, submetida à Comissão Europeia a 30 de junho de 2023, reflete a renovada ambição nacional em matéria de política climática e energética. Esta primeira versão de trabalho estabelece novas metas de incorporação de energia a partir de fontes renováveis, bem como novas medidas para a sua concretização, refletindo o firme compromisso do Governo com a aceleração da transição climática e energética.
Alternative fuels - hydrogen
As the shipping industry is exploring cleaner alternatives to traditional fuels. Hydrogen emerges as a promising candidate, offering the potential for zero-emission operation. Green hydrogen, produced through electrolysis powered by renewable energy, could hold the key to sustainability. When used in fuel cells, it generates electricity with only water vapor as a byproduct, eliminating harmful pollutants.