Nesta secção poderá encontrar Notícias relacionadas com o Hidrogénio, bem como Eventos importantes para a comunidade.
Green Hydrogen Roadmap in Uruguay
The ambitious decarbonization goals for 2050, established at a global level, lead to the need to promote accelerated and significant changes with respect to both the energy sources utilized and the use of raw materials consumed in different industrial processes.
Identification of Skills Needed for the Hydrogen Economy
This report qualitatively outlines the current skills demand–supply dynamics in the South African labour market with respect to the hydrogen economy. This is accompanied by an analysis of the capabilities that need to be developed or augmented in the qualifications offered at South African universities and at the technical vocational education and training (TVET) college ecosystem.
This turquoise fuel is the end of hydrogen: it is obtained from clouds and metal
Hydrogen is approaching to its end, and not because they have energized electric cars to increase their range fivefold. Actually, they have done that too, but this is just another piece of bad news for the fuel we thought was going to be the fuel of the future. They have just discovered a turquoise one that is coming to take over the mobility of the future and is obtained from clouds and metal.